Serving the Maine Communities of Franklin County, Livermore & Livermore Falls

The Very Basics Fund Recipients

United Way accepts applications to the Very Basics fund twice a year. Applications are due by April 30 and October 31 annually.

United Way has disbursed almost $125,000 through this fund which was established in 2020 to address basic needs in the area.

SeniorsPlus - Meals on Wheels.

Farmington Area Ecumenical Ministry - Heating assistance.

Phillips Area Food Pantry - Food.

RSU 9 - Volunteer incentives for those who are delivering food to students and coolers to keep food safe.

Tri-Town Ministerial Association Food Cupboard - Food.

Community Concepts, Inc. - Transportation costs for food delivery to Head Start families and supplies.

Franklin County Children's Task Force - Food boxes for Greater Franklin County families during April school vacation.

Greater Franklin Development Council - Food for Kingfield Elementary School families during April school vacation.

Rangeley Lakes Regional School Student Assistance Program - Food and other needed supplies for families.

University of Maine Farmington - Commitment to clean and professionally sanitize rooms if used by first responders to social distance from families as part of an agreement with Maine Emergency Management (never used).

Catholic Charities - Personal Protective Equipment and supplies for seniors participating in the SEARCH program and mileage reimbursement for volunteers delivering supplies.

Partners for Children's Oral Health - Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and educational material distribution via school lunch program delivery to promote good oral hygiene when access to oral health care is limited.

Rural Community Action Ministry - Food and supplies for Essentials Box serving Livermore, Livermore Falls and Jay, and mileage reimbursement for expanded food and supplies delivery service.

Franklin County Children's Task Force - Second request, additional support for food boxes for families. 

Community Concepts Incorporated - Second request, diapers, wipes, pull-ups.

Stratton-Eustis Lions Club - Food for Snack Pack program.

The Children's Advocacy Center - A program of Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Services - HIPAA-compliant ZOOM membership to allow for continuity of services; additional technology and sanitizing products.

Children's Center - Sanitizing products to safely resume providing services to young children with disabilities. 

Mission at the Eastward - materials and supplies for home rehab program and sanitizing products.

Old South Congregational Church - Youth Group - Food and food packaging for Tuesday Night Supper Club, a weekly free dinner program for the community.

Literacy Volunteers - books, postage, training and administrative costs for pivoting to a virtual instructional environment.

Maine Mountain Children's House - PPE and supplies to safely open this non-profit childcare facility in northern Franklin County.

Western Maine Homeless Outreach - Emergency housing support; first month's security deposits and homeless navigation services.

Kennebec Behavioral Health - Assistance with co-pays and other mental health service payments.

Old South Congregational Church Youth Group - Second request, food packaging for Tuesday Night Supper Club, a weekly free dinner program for the community.

St. Rose of Lima Parish - Funding of the "Food, Fuel, and Fiber Program" so basic needs including emergency fuel, food, and clothing can be given to those in need in Livermore and Livermore Falls.

Healthy Community Coalition - Funding for the purchase of a freezer to store food for those in need and to purchase food and other hygiene products. 

Farmington Public Library - Funding for improvements to the library's internet - ensuring access to technology for all community members including students, job seekers, and literacy tutors.

Literacy Volunteers - improvement of adult learner’s digital literacy and increased access to technology. 

American Red Cross - disaster response services so the Red Cross can help local individuals in the event of a fire or other disaster.

Safe Voices -  basic essential items for survivors of domestic violence to be distributed through a newly established resource center in Farmington.

Rural Community Action Ministry - grocery, prescription, and meal delivery service for older adults in the Livermore, and Livermore Falls area.

Care and Share Food Closet - the purchase of a walk-in cooler to expand storage for fresh produce.

Mission at the Eastward - building supplies to make houses more accessible and safer, including ramps, roofs, steps, and floors.

Western Maine Center for Children - back up bedding and sanitation supplies to increase the capacity of the childcare center and keep children safe.

Rangeley Health and Wellness - behavioral health support for older adults in the Rangeley region with a focus on providing nutritious food, respite for caregivers, and safe homes.

Western Maine Community Action - Expenses for car repair, and other transportation needs

Wilton Free Public Library - Take home Storytime kits to keep students engaged as transportation and other barriers prevent them from coming to the library.


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